It’s almost been a year since I left for my 3 month long trek around Europe. Man, was I nervous that day and so on edge during the whole 9 hour plane ride. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. My boyfriend came with me for the first three weeks, and I was even more of a wreck when he left me alone in Switzerland to return to America. But of course, it ended up being one of the best experiences of my life, and I’m so so so happy I went.
Later, a friend joined me and one of the places we visited was Cinque Terre. We went in late October when most of the tourists were gone, but it was still warm enough to enjoy the water. We stayed in Riomaggiore, and visited the 4 other “terres.” I had one of the best meals of my life there — pesto gnocchi. We sat outside enjoying the night air, drinking liters of wine that cost 1 euro, and enjoying the best olive oil, pesto, and pasta I’ll probably ever have. They gave us olive oil in to-go pouches just like ketchup and I’m still holding on to mine.

I bought a basil plant the other day and I knew it was time to recreate a piece of this memorable Italian meal. Now of course my pesto wasn’t as good as theirs. . . I mean, how could it be? But it was delicious, and it was fun to travel back to that special moment in time.

We swam here and we could go out so far and so deep without getting into rough waters or feeling unsafe. It was truly incredible.

{1 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves (packed)♥ 1/2 tsp salt♥ 1/2 tsp pepper♥ 1/4 cup parmesan cheese♥ 2 tbsp pine nuts (I didn’t have any so I used pistachios)♥ 1 tsp minced garlic♥ 1/2 c extra virgin olive oil♥ 1 package gnocchi}
In a food processor, combine everything but the oil and process for a few seconds. While processing, add the oil in a thin stream.
Cook gnocchi according to directions on the package. Mix the pasta with the pesto and enjoy!