My mom use to make this for me all the time when I was in college. This was my first time making it, though, and I discovered a new favorite thing — grating zucchini! OMG IT’S SO FUN. It just happens so fast, and its so easy. Forget cheese, I’ll be putting freshly grated zucchini on everything.

Also hiding vegetables inside bread and chocolate is genius. This bread contains more zucchini than I’ve eaten in the last 6 monhts. I need to find more ways to hide my vegetables.

{3 Eggs♥ 1 cup veg oil♥ 2 cups sugar♥ 2 cups grated raw zucchini♥ 3 cups flour♥ 1 t soda♥ 3 t cinnamon♥ 1 t salt♥ 3 t vanilla♥ 1 cup chocolate chips}
1. Beat
vegetable oil
and sugar until fluffy.

2. Combine
the remaining ingredients (excluding chocolate chips).

3. Fold
in the chocolate chips.

4. Bake at 350 F for 1 hour.